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Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban Offer Free Consultations in NEC Injury and Wrongful Death Cases.

The attorneys at Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban are pursuing Enfamil and Similac baby formula lawsuits for premature babies who’ve suffered necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). There is new evidence suggesting that there is cow milk within these formulas that directly contributes to premature newborn babies developing NEC.

Unfortunately, many parents across the United States who have a prematurely born child that has suffered from NEC would most likely never think of calling an infant formula attorney due in large part to the lack of conversation surrounding infant formulas and NEC.

The medical community’s response to this is that they ‘did not know’ of any medical-based literature that linked Similac and Enfamil to NEC. Attorneys across the United States finally connected the dots and ultimately realized that because parents were never properly warned about the side effects and risks associated with these products, lawsuits clearly made sense to pursue.

Contact Experienced Mass Torts Attorneys!

What is Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)?

Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious and potentially fatal intestinal disease among premature infants. What occurs is the infant’s intestinal wall is broken down and waste can pass into the abdomen and bloodstream causing a life-threatening infection. NEC can also cause decreased oxygen levels to vital organs – in the end, NEC is so harmful it can cause partial or complete destruction of a baby’s bowels.


Symptoms and Diagnosis of NEC

The symptoms of necrotizing enterocolitis include bradycardia (slow heart rate), acidosis, trouble breathing, an increase or decrease in stools, decreased bowel sounds, lethargy in the infant(s), green fluid(s) found in the abdominal wall, jaundice appearance, feeding intolerance, feeding residuals, metabolic acidosis, abdominal distention, temperature instability, and Emesis.


Enfamil Baby Formula Lawsuits

The attorneys at Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban are evaluating claims for the failure to warn parents of risks associated with Enfamil products. If your baby was fed any of these products listed below, call us today at (855) 435-7247.

  • Enfamil NeoPro EnfaCare Infant Formula 
  • Enfamil Premature Infant Formula 20 Cal with Iron
  • Enfamil 24 Cal Infant Formula
  • Enfamil Premature Infant Formula 24 Cal High Protein
  • Enfamil Premature Infant Formula 24 Cal with Iron
  • Enfamil Premature Infant Formula 30 Cal with Iron
  • Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier


Similac Baby Formula Lawsuits

Our attorneys are also looking at and evaluating NEC lawsuits featuring Similac products. The cow milk products for Similac are inclusive of the following:

  • Similac NeoSure
  • Similac Alimentum Expert Care
  • Similac Liquid Protein Fortifier
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Hydrolyzed Protein Concentrated Liquid
  • Similac Special Care 20
  • Similac Special Care 24
  • Similac Special Care 24 High Protein
  • Similac Special Care 30


Schedule a Free Consultation Today with our NEC Baby Formula Attorneys! 

Marcari, Russotto, Spencer and Balaban will proudly represent any individuals in NEC injury and wrongful death cases all across the Carolinas and Virginia. Call us toll free today at (855) 435-7247, or contact Marcari, Russotto, Spencer and Balaban online to schedule your free consultation. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis, meaning that until your case is resolved, and you’ve received your financial compensation, you don’t have to pay legal fees.
