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Car Insurance, MRSB, Marcari, Don Marcari, Marcari, Russotto, Spencer, Balaban

Plain Old Insurance Just Doesn’t Cut It!

No longer is it enough for you to simply just have insurance. The key is knowing if you have the right insurance and if you have it in the right areas and the right amounts. Typically, people are cautious when they’re calculating the amount of life, home, and auto coverage that they choose to carry, but they put too much trust in the fact that other people in the world will do exactly as they will – which seems to be the case on a small fraction of the time. That means, not only do you have to keep yourself, and your family safe while you’re out adventuring on the open road, but you now have to worry about one more pesky issue: uninsured or underinsured drivers.

In each state, the law has set particular minimums for auto insurance coverage, which are often not helpful enough in terms of covering a serious accident. In Virginia, coverage is as follows:

  • $25,000 USD for bodily injury and/or death of one person.
  • $50,000 USD for bodily injury and/or death of two (2) or more persons.
  • $20,000 USD for property damage.

Picture this scenario for a moment:

You and your wife, or your husband, are driving along in your new car when out of nowhere, another driver runs a red light, and they crash into your car, seriously injuring you and your significant other in the process. The driver of the vehicle that hit you, is only carrying the legal minimum of auto insurance. That’s $50,000 USD in coverage for injuries that could eventually cost upwards of $1M – not to mention, it’s typically only 50% of the cost of the car that was just destroyed. Insurance companies make it so that they can only be held liable for the limitations of their driver(s) policies, and, oftentimes, it is a situation in which the driver doesn’t have enough assets available to support the claim that you’re making – or, they can just be flat out uninsured altogether.

How Much Insurance Should You Carry?

Great question! To make sure that you have at least attempted to avoid any type of scenario like the one described above, it’s pertinent that you carry a minimum of $100,000 USD in uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance. This will come to light whenever a driver who does not have sufficient insurance causes a motor vehicle accident in which you suffer any type of loss. It’s also important to realize that this is dependant on the vehicle that you drive, and both the quality and quantity of the preexisting medical coverage you’ve obtained in the past.

Involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident? Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, Marcari, Russotto, Spencer, and Balaban are here to help! We have offices across the Carolinas and Virginia, and with over 200 years of legal experience on our side, we’re proud to represent those who are in need of assistance. Call us today at (855) 435-7247 to schedule a free consultation with our team of attorneys!
