6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid After a Motor Vehicle Accident!
Whenever an insurance company becomes aware of the fact that you’re moving forward with a claim for personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, one of the very first things that they’ll do is search for any public information about you – especially on social media.
Posting to Facebook and Instagram about your upcoming to trip to Hawaii and how you’re exciting to go scuba diving, right after filing a claim, will give the insurance company all the ammunition they’ll need to shoot down your claim, leaving you without compensation for your injuries.
The best course of action is to keep your private life private during your personal injury case.
Until the case is resolved, Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban recommend that you make every social media account private and that you don’t accept any new friend requests.
Furthermore, be mindful of who you speak to, and what information you disclose.
Here are our top six tips on social media mistakes to avoid while amid a personal injury case:
1) Don’t Share Details About Your Accident:
Being injured in a motor vehicle accident is certainly a traumatic experience.
It’s natural for anyone to want to share details about the accident with their family and friends, whether it be to vent, or to let others know that they’re okay, albeit injured. The golden rule, as far as we’re concerned, never discuss your motor vehicle accident on social media.
You truly never know who is watching, and as we said above, if you’re claiming to be injured and seeking out compensation, but you’re posting on Facebook that you just left the gym, it will end up being that much harder for your personal injury attorney to help you and your claim.
2) Always Guard Your Privacy:
Another great tactic is to set all your social media profiles to private.
Not only does it make finding your posts more difficult, but it also limits outside access to any of your accounts.
It’s also a good idea to ask your family members to tighten up their privacy settings as well, as it can help eliminate any chance of someone reaching you or your accounts through them.
Many times, insurance companies and defense lawyers will enlist individuals directly connected to the case to try and follow or infiltrate the injured plaintiff’s social media profiles.
You never really know who is behind a profile online – so steer clear!
3) Never Post Regrets or Apologies Online:
As personal injury attorneys, we often advise our clients to abstain from admitting fault or apologizing to anyone after a motor vehicle accident.
This isn’t done to be rude, or hurtful, but more so because all the facts have yet to be fully investigated, and it could create a convoluted scenario for the attorney.
This also applies to posts on social media – it’s best to stay away from even simple statements like: “I crashed my car this weekend,” as it may imply liability on your behalf.
Also, refrain from using phrases like “I’m sorry” or “It was my fault,” on social media – as we’ve said, you never know who is watching you!
4) Be Careful Where You Check-In From:
You may not even think twice about letting your friends on Facebook know where you’re eating lunch, or where you just scored a great deal on some sneakers, but if you’ve claimed to have a debilitating injury, it can be problematic for you to contradict your initial story.
Try to avoid checking in anywhere online after your motor vehicle accident, that mindless action could cost you a few thousand dollars when it comes down to compensation.
5) Don’t Share Injury Updates or Information!
After a motor vehicle accident, it’s important to take photos and/or videos of all visible injuries that you’ve sustained, but do not post those photos on social media!
It’s also important to never post updates about your medical condition, doctor’s visits, or any of the medical procedures you may have gone through.
Never list your medications, or any medical devices you’ve needed to use and if you or someone in your family is using a crowd-sourcing website (e.g., GoFundMe) to raise money, put as little as you can in the way of information, as too much can be used against you in the future.
6) Consult With Your Personal Injury Attorney!
The best thing that you can do after a motor vehicle accident is contact an experienced personal injury attorney who will fight to protect your rights every step of the way.
If you have questions, concerns, or need help with social media accounts after an accident, never hesitate to ask your attorney.
They’re here to guide you, and your family, through the process and do everything they can to get you the outcome that you’re entitled to.
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