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Spring, Accident, Slip-and-Fall, Dog Bite, Motor Vehicle Accident

Spring Has Sprung: The 3 Most Common Types of Accidents

May 23, 2022 | Blog

Spring Has Sprung: The 3 Most Common Types of Accidents

It’s not a secret that as the weather continues to warm up, people across the United States will find themselves enjoying outdoor activities on a more frequent basis. 

Unbelievably, there actually is a direct correlation between seasons changing and someone’s likelihood of being involved in a personal injury matter, because as with any season, the spring does present hazards.When it’s nicer outside, more people are going to parks, riding their bikes and motorcycles, walking their dogs, or simply just going out for a drive.  

With an influx of people on the road, and in public places, it unfortunately also increases the chances for a potential accident to occur. 

What Types of Accidents are More Common in the Spring?

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents happen all throughout the year, as we know, and in many ways can be more common in other seasons – like the winter (e.g., ice, snow, sleet, etc.).  

But spring does produce its fair share of accidents and for many distinct reasons. 

For instance, the nicer weather tends to bring about people traveling, either for a day-trip, or an actual vacation with their friends and/or family – this, brings an elevated level of congestion to many roadways. It’s a simple but frightening equation, the more people in one place, at one time, increases the chances of an accident happening. 

In addition to the higher numbers of vehicles on the road, collisions can take place during the spring because of: 

  • Drowsy Driving – The shift to daylight saving time that occurs every spring can disrupt people’s sleep schedules. This makes it more likely that they will struggle with drowsiness while they are behind the wheel. On average, the time change can cause roughly a 6% increase in fatal motor vehicle accidents throughout the United States. 
  • Intoxicated Drivers – With the warmer weather, and the lessening of COVID fears, more people will likely be gathering at bars, restaurants, picnics, parties, backyard barbecues, and the like. It also means that consuming alcohol or using drugs and then driving has a higher probability of occurring, which increases the risk of motor vehicle accidents. 
  • Increase of Pedestrians and Bicyclists – As the weather warms up, more people will be spending time outdoors, especially after being stuck at home during the pandemic. Drivers must take the time to properly become aware of people on foot or those who ride bicycles on or near the road. Distracted and/or reckless driving has the potential to cause drivers to collide with pedestrians or cyclists, which will cause serious injuries to both parties.

Spring, Accident, Dog Bite, Slip-and-Fall, Motor Vehicle Accident

Crashes killed more than 6,700 pedestrians in 2020, up about 5 percent from the estimated 6,412 the year before, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association.


Dog Bites

Here at MRSB, we love our four-legged furry friends just as much as anyone. 

And honestly, it’s quite hard to believe that a dog could hurt anyone with how compassionate, friendly, and sweet most dogs are, but sadly, accidents do happen. 

According to the American Humane Society (AHS), an estimated 4.7 million dog bites occur in the U.S. every single year, with roughly 800,000 of those bites requiring medical attention.  

The number of dog bites, as well as their severity, has risen dramatically since the 1980’s.  

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported that hospital admissions for dog bites increased 86% over a 16-year period.  

The insurance industry pays more than $1 billion in dog-bite claims each year and researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that the direct medical costs of dog bites per year equaled $165 million. 

What To Do After a Dog Bite: 

  • If a dog has sadly bitten you or a family member, it’s in your best interest to track down the dog and its owner.  
  • Seek out emergency medical treatment and prompt care for your dog bite wound and any other injuries.  
  • Obtain contact information for anyone who may have witnessed the attack.  
  • Preserve any type of physical evidence you may have such as broken personal items or torn or bloody clothing.  
  • Contact an experienced dog bite attorney who will help protect your rights and help you secure maximum compensation for your injuries. 


Spring, Accident, Dog Bite, Slip-and-Fall, Motor Vehicle Accident

Over 13 years, the highest percentage of dog bite deaths were in children 2 years old or younger. Dog bite injuries in children increased during 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic.


Slip-and-Fall Injuries

Spring is also known for extensive amounts of rain which can make sidewalks and crosswalks extremely slippery, which can cause a slip-and-fall injury.

Many slip and fall victims are children or the elderly, but people of any age can fall. The injuries that result can be minor or severe, happen at home or work, or on someone else’s property.  

The fall can result from the negligence of a third party or can be from a simple mistake.  

Sometimes, when negligent actions cause the fall, it is necessary to involve an experienced attorney to help seek compensation. 

Hazards to be aware of include weather, debris, negligence, uneven surfaces, and more. Some are not expected and can catch most people off guard.  

The following includes common slip and fall hazards in springtime: 

Weather Hazards: In spring, while temperatures are generally rising, there can sometimes be an occasional freeze overnight. If there’s been heavy rain throughout the day, often it will freeze if the temperature drops below a certain level. It is essential to pay close attention to where one steps. Even mud and slush are potential slip hazards. 

Environmental Hazards: Many people reading this have either tripped or saw someone trip over an element in public – most likely it was an unpainted curb, a ramp, potholes, walkways, parking lots, and cluttered areas. Make sure to stay aware of your surroundings and take your time – it’s better to be a few minutes late, than not be able to make it at all. 

Negligence Hazards: Negligence is when a responsible party knows that there is a hazard but neglects to warn people or properly fix the situation. This can include but is not limited to inadequate lighting, faulty flooring, leaking, and so on. Taking too long to fix a known problem, and not making others aware of the dangerous issue can result in some serious trouble for the offender if someone gets hurt.


Spring, Accident, Dog Bite, Slip-and-Fall, Motor Vehicle Accident

About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year—resulting in more than 32,000 deaths. Each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury.



“People ask why I like being a lawyer. I get the opportunity to help somebody every day. What could be better than that?” Don Marcari.


Schedule a Free Consultation Today! Sign Up Below!

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, dog bite accident, or slip-and-fall anywhere in Virginia, North Carolina, or South Carolina please use the form below to sign up for a free consultation with our law firm.

We thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your accident and aggressively pursue the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.

Call us today at (855) 435-7247 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation, you can also contact us by filling out the form below.

Once you’ve filled it out, and we’ve received it, we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as we possibly can.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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